Everything You Need to Know About Rabies

• Rabies is a viral disease transmitted by animals.
• Rabies is 100% fatal.
• It is transmitted by rabid animal’s saliva either by a lick, bite or scratch.
• Licks to pre existing wounds, or grazed broken skin, or to the lining of mouth or nose can also transmit the disease.
• Animals which can transmit Rabies are:
(i) Dogs{96%}
(ii) Bats and monkeys, cats.

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COVID-Safety Guidelines for Parents & Children

Dear Parents,

It’s more than 3 months since the COVID Pandemic, we’ve had two major lockdowns – and we’re now in the process of unlocking – because life cannot be on a full stop forever and we need to get back to living life again albeit with new norms – a new way of life as it were. This is because COVID-19 infections are on the rise – the disease is deadly and we’ve got to stay protected and disease free – not only from COVID-19 but also from other just as deadly and life threatening diseases – so here are the new Dos Don’ts as of now. We do not know what’s in store for us. How long this pandemic will last. It doesn’t seem to be ending in the near future, maybe a few months, maybe a year or more!

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Benefits of Adolescence Counselling

Adolescence is a very crucial period for physical, emotional, mental and social well-being and development. As children grow and reach the adolescence phase, or ‘teenage’, the brain goes through significant developmental changes, that create behavioural patterns and neural pathways that will last until later in life. However, since the brains are still developing, not only are the adolescents more open to positive influences of youth development strategies, behaviour modelling, emotional and social learning; but due to the hormonal changes, they are also more susceptible to depression, and sometimes likely to take reckless decisions which might have repercussions.

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Changing Weather and Child Health

Seasons change like clockwork, and the dip in temperatures, the increase in pollutants provides ideal conditions for infective organisms like viruses and bacteria to thrive. Allergens and fungi also add to it all.

Respiratory infections, viral and bacterial, allergic bronchitis and asthma, skin allergies and fungal infections,and viral diarrheas etc. dominate the scene. These have an impact on children’s health.

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Everything One Must Know About Breastfeeding

Motherhood is one of the most exalted positions.

Breast feeding is an emotionally fulfilling experience both for the mother and the baby.

It takes motherhood to another plane because to nurture your baby, have the breast milk (called ‘AMRIT’ by me), flowing into the baby’s mouth and system can be a truly exhilarating and overwhelming experience for the first time mother or a mother again and again.

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HEPATITIS A, B, C, D & E: Preventions and Treatments

‘Hepa’ – means liver & ‘itis’ means inflammation/infection.

Hepatitis is infection / inflammation of the liver. Hepatitis can be caused by various viruses and the liver may also be affected in various bacterial infections as well.

Viral Hepatitis is commonly caused by:

1.Hepatitis A
2.Hepatitis B
3.Hepatitis C
4.Hepatits D and E

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Better Approach Towards Parenting

Every parent wants their child to live a happy and healthy life and for that, they take every possible measure to ensure their safety and wellness. But sometimes, good parenting with too many restrictions can become distressful for your child. Children cannot grow until they come out of their comfort zone and hence, it is required that they are given their space to develop and nurture into a strong individual mentally. Thus, it has become important to give your child some privacy and space that motivates them to experience life on their own.

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Teenage Counselling: Channelising The Volcanoes within

Children, adolescents, and teens, develop various social skills to ensure their survival and gain emotional intelligence as they grow older.
A stable development leads to a healthy and happy life. Any kind of imbalance in the development process might lead to disequilibrium and result in distorted behaviour pattern in kids. In order to connect with the teens, one must understand their mindset and learn more about their mental health to find out how to help and talk to them. One must interact carefully with the child and deal with their problems delicately. If needed, parents should not hesitate in consulting a therapist as he/she is trained to help you deal with critical issues in a well-constructed manner.

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How to support your socially worried child

Some children are shy while some are extroverts. Some children are so involved in their own ideas that they’re simply less interested in social interaction. We all want our children to make friends easily, to feel comfortable asking questions at school, to speak up for themselves.
Most kids can learn to manage social anxiety, all they need is a little extra support.

Dr. Promilla Butani, a child specialist doctor in Delhi, guides you how to support your child if he or she is socially worried. Following are some key points:

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